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Ohr Avner Community Center is fortunate to host many visitors. In order to make your visit easier, we are pleased to provide the following information.


Kosher Restaurants


The following establishments are under the supervision of Scroll K. For a complete listing of kosher facilities, visit their website at


Establishment Contact info. Address Type Meat/Dairy/Parve Cholov Yisroel Pas Yisroel All items certified?
Bonnie Brae Ice Cream, (303)777-0808 799 S. University Blvd. Denver, CO 80209 Ice Cream Shop Dairy. Many Dairy Equipment (DE) items available as well. No n/a No. See Letter of Certification in store.
Brooklyn Pizza, (303)355-5777 890 S. Monaco Pkwy, Unit 7 Denver, CO 80224 Pizzeria Dairy Yes Yes Yes
East Side Kosher Deli (303)322-9862, 499 S. Elm St. Denver, CO 80246 Restaurant Meat n/a available Yes
East Side Kosher Deli (303)322-9862, 499 S. Elm St. Denver, CO 80246 Takeout Meat/Pareve n/a n/a Yes
East Side Kosher Deli (303)322-9862, 499 S. Elm St. Denver, CO 80246 Bakery & Grocery Meat/Dairy/Pareve available available Yes
Haykin Family Cidery 720-242-7292 12001 E 33rd Ave. Aurora, CO 80010 Cider bar Parve     All ciders certified
High Point Creamery, (720)638-8697 215 S. Holly St. Denver, CO 80222 Ice Cream Store Dairy. Many Dairy Equipment (DE) items available as well. No n/a Yes, at these locations only
High Point Creamery, (720)638-8697 3977 Tennyson St. Denver, C0 80212 Ice Cream Store Dairy. Many Dairy Equipment (DE) items available as well. No n/a Yes, at these locations only
HipPOPs 662-HipPOPs   Mobile Truck Serving Frozen Dessert Pops based in the Denver area Dairy. Non-Dairy menus and/or options available. No    
King Soopers Store # 100 (303)793-9080 4910 S. Yosemite (Yosemite @ Belleview) Denver, CO 80111 In-store bakery department Parve and Dairy No Many items are marked PY No. Check each item or showcase for kosher symbol.
King Soopers Store # 124 (303)320-3100 4600 Leetsdale Drive Denver, CO 80246 In-store bakery department Parve and Dairy No Many items are marked PY No. Check each item or showcase for kosher symbol.
King Soopers Store # 26 (303)758-1210 6470 East Hampden Ave. (Hampden @ Monaco) Denver, CO 80222 In-store bakery department Parve and Dairy No Many items are marked PY No. Check each item or showcase for kosher symbol.
King Soopers Store # 35 (303)333-1535 890 S. Monaco Pkwy (Leetsdale @ Monaco) Denver, CO 80224 In-store bakery department Parve and Dairy No Many items are marked PY No. Check each item or showcase for kosher symbol.
King Soopers Store # 61 (303)443-9622 1650 30th St., Boulder, CO 80301 In-store bakery department Parve and Dairy No Many items are marked PY No. Check each item or showcase for kosher symbol.
Mordy's Falafel 701 S Monaco Pkwy Denver, CO 80224 Falafel Bar Parve n/a n/a Yes
Rosenberg’s Kosher (303)388-2648, 942 South Monaco Denver, CO 80246 (This location only) Bagel store with pastry and fish options Parve and Dairy No Yes Yes, at this location only
Rymone Caterers 720-703-0250,   Weekly Shabbat Meals, Traditional and Middle Eastern Flavors available for pickup Friday morning Meat     Yes



Shabbat Hospitality and other Services

• For Shabbat home hospitality within walking distance of the Shul, please call Rabbi David Araiev at 720-388-2704 .

• Eruv: An Eruv  (Mississippi - Peoria - Illif - Havana) encircles the Shul, with a span of about one to one in a half miles in every direction. More detailed map coming soon.

<p>Look up in a certain Aurora neighborhood, and you might notice a thin, clear wire line running atop streetlights and telephone poles. It's an eruv, a way to navigate around the strict rules for Shabbat, the Jewish sabbath.</p>

• Mikvah: The women’s mikvah is located next to Ohr Avner Community Center. To make an appointment call us at 720-400-0939 at least 24 hours in advance. The men’s mikvah is located inside Ohr Avner Colorado. It is open every day 5:30 am-9:30 pm; closed Thursdays.

See the source image

Services: For Weekday and Shabbat times please visit us online

• Classes: Sunday Wisdom Class (at Shul after Arvit) , Tuesday Men's Class (Rabbi's House at 8:30pm), and Wednesday Women's Class (Rebbetzin's House at 8:15pm)

Photo: Aurora Eruv 4 Rabbi David Araiev | SB

Thu, December 26 2024 25 Kislev 5785